Tintin - das Man
Ett museum i Bryssel. Belgian Comic Strip Centre. Utställning: Tintin. The museum of imagination.
Finner en lapp. En sorts presentation av denne Tintin. Aningslöst men träffande låter texten på lappen förstå något - tomma effektiva ord upplåter med all önskvärd klarhet.
Om detta är Tintin, vilken värld är Tintins?
Tintin is Nobody
Tintin's face is made up of a few very simple features. It's almost expressionless. Because it's neutral, it's the ideal recipient for the emotions felt and projected by readers.
Tintin is Everyman
Depending on the circumstances, Tintin can beyoung or old, Scandinavian or Mediterranean, African or Asian. He's a universal charactar. If Tintin is Everyman, he is also you.
Tintin Can Handle Everything
Tintin is a symbol of youth and vigour, courage and integrity. He's a daredevil who succeds in everything he takes on...while his readers are comfortably ensconced in their seats.